Sewer Shutoffs
In Compliance with Missouri State Statute 393.016, Jackson County PWSD #12 was compelled to approve an agreement on June 5, 2007 with the City of Greenwood to disconnect water services for non-payment of the City’s sewer bills. This agreement applies only to shared customers of Jackson County PWSD #12 and the City of Greenwood, Missouri.
The State of Missouri has provided an avenue to resolve the collection of Municipal wastewater fees by the execution of RSMo.393.016 on August 28, 2006 which states “… any water district established under chapter 247, RSMo, which in this section shall sometimes be designated as a water provider, shall upon request of any municipality providing sewer services… contract with such sewer provider to terminate water services to any water user of such water provider for non-payment of a delinquent sewer bill owed to such sewer provider.”
TERMS OF AGREEMENT: The terms of the approved Agreement include, but not be limited to:
1. The City of Greenwood will notify customers of a delinquency in accordance with RSMo.393.015;
2. The City of Greenwood shall determine delinquencies and provide Jackson County PWSD #12 with a list of water services subject to disconnection for non-payment;
3. Disconnection for non-payment of the City of Greenwood’s sewer will be on the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month beginning at 9:00 am;
4. All payments of past due sewer bills, penalties, fees, or other charges must be made to the City of Greenwood at the Greenwood City Hall. Jackson County PWSD #12 cannot accept payments on behalf of the City of Greenwood;
5. Jackson County PWSD #12 cannot negotiate or waiver fees and charges, deny the interruption of water service at a location listed on the disconnection orders issued by the City of Greenwood, or otherwise interfere with the City of Greenwood’s right to collect delinquent funds;
6. The City of Greenwood will pay a charge of $50.00 per location listed each month to Jackson County PWSD #12 for services rendered;
7. The City of Greenwood will pay lost revenues to Jackson County PWSD #12 for interrupting water service in the event the customer has a current balance with the District and would not otherwise be subject to disconnection;
8. Jackson County PWSD #12 retains sole property of water meters. Persons who reinstate a water service, tamper with a water meter or cause damage to water meter, lock or other part of the water service will be subject to existing fees and charges of Jackson County PWSD #12, as well as the possibility of vandalism and utility theft charges.