Have a healthy lawn and save!

Good soil preparation - is essential. Use 4-6" of good quality topsoil and add compost to provide nutrients and improve the soil texture. The ideal texture is loamy.
Use drought resistant grasses - which will tolerate long periods of dry weather. For existing lawns these can be seeded in r gular spring maintenance. These grasses include: Rescues, Indiangrass, Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem, Canada Bluegrass, Timothy and some varieties of Kentucky Bluegrass.
Do not cut lawns so short - two inches is too short. The cut should be 3-3.5 inches. Make sure your mower blade is sharp so it makes a clean cut.
Water infrequently and deeply -enough to wet the root zone plus a small distance below. Light watering discourages deep root growth, leaving grass more susceptible to drought and most of the water quickly evaporates.
Water in the early morning - and avoid watering in the wind or when the ground is already wet.
Reduce the size of the lawn - plant more wildflowers and shrubs. These don't require as much watering.
Provide some shade for the lawn